Face it Together


How Can We help You?

  • Peer recovery Services

  • Advocate for the Well-being of Others.

  • Free Store

  • Resource Recovery

  • Weekly Meetings

*Get free Narcan and test strips—no questions asked! Your safety matters.*

Meet the Team

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”.

“If You Want The Rainbow, You gotta put up with the rain”

“You Learn More From Failure than From Success”

“Spread Love Everywhere You Go”

  • Meetings At Face ItTogether

Upcoming Events

Painting W/ Jaime


Beading W/ Jaime

How You can help Make a Difference in your Community.

1. Financial Support: We accept donations year-round in cash or by check. Please note: all donations are tax-deductible.

2. Volunteering: We would love to have just a couple hours of your time a month to help us around the office or for Events that we put on with the Community.

3. Donations: We are in current need of the following items:
- Travel Size Toiletries

Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

- Laundry Detergent

- Dish Detergent

- Deodorant

- Shaving Razors and Shaving Cream (Men & Women)

- Toilet Paper

- Fruit Cups, Granola Bars, Snack Crackers, etc. for Sack Lunches for the Homeless

Pots and Pans (Kitchenware)

  • Quote of the Month: February 2025

  • New beginnings. New month.
    New start. New focus. New blessings.
    Looking forward to more lessons,
    more laughter & more love.

Our Story

Face It Together Bemidji aims to reduce the stigma surrounding all types of addictions. Our Recovery Coaches strive to instill strength and hope by sharing their personal recovery stories and providing resources to assist others on their recovery journey.

Our Mission

To help those struggling with substance use disorder and their family members while meeting them where they’re at to build goals for their own pathway to recovery.

Meeting list

  • Sunday- Support Sobriety @ Noon

  • Tuesday- S.M.A.R.T Recovery. 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

  • Wednesday- AA (Big Book Study) 6:30 pm-7:30 pm

  • Thursday- NA, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm

**Not all meetings are affiliated with Face it Together Bemidji.

Contact Us